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We are proud of our products. Because the most important thing to us is every child’s safety. That is why we follow all rules and requirements issued by U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.


Children’s upper outwear to be sold in the United States must meet the following U. S requirements:

  • No drawstrings in the hood and neck
    area for sizes 2T to 12;
  • No drawstrings at the waist and bottom that
    exceed 75 h i d d d 75mm when garment is expanded to
    full width for sizes 2T to 16; and
  • No toggles, knots, or other attachments at free
    ends of waist or bottom drawstrings.
  • Drawstrings at the waist must b e sewn or
    bartacked when a single cord runs through the
  • Must meet standard ASTM F 1816

This is why you will never find any products with drawstrings on our website.

Small Parts / Choking Hazards

  • Buttons, pompoms, charms, and other decorations must be attached firmly and securely.

We avoid small parts in our products as much as possible therefore 90% of our items are sold without any small hazard parts. We ensure that the remaining 10% of the items that have any sorts of buttons  ( no pompoms, charms etc) are securely attached to all items

Lead in Products

  • Lead in paint and other surface coatings, including screen printing, coated zippers, and all labels, must not exceed 90 ppm

For this reason we do not sell any products with lead in paint and other surface coatings, including
screen printing, coated zippers. We only use fabrics such as cotton, linen, wool, cashmere without any surface coatings on them.

Flame resistance

  • CPSC requires that children’s sleepwear is flame resistant. The fabric must resist an open flame for at least 3 seconds (meaning it won’t catch fire for at least 3 seconds if you place a flame on the garment). If the fabric cannot do this, most of manufacturers are able to treat the garment with chemicals to enhance its flame resistant properties.

But as moms, we know that many parents are currently concerned about exposing their children to chemicals. So for this reason we do not sell any sleepwear, including pajamas, robes, nightgowns and loungewear on our website.

As a customer you have our commitment to sell you only safe & high quality products!


Children’s clothing safety requirements

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