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Hello and welcome to Mom’s Bunny! We are so happy to have you here!

Not so long ago, we became parents, and guess what? Besides a million things we had to deal with, we struggled with one simple question: “Where to children’s clothing that is different- unique, fashionable and stylish?”There are certainly a lot of fast fashion companies around, but we were looking for something completely out-and-outer.Exceptional and remarkable for the most precious little bunnies in the world.

So we decided to start our own company. We’ve spent almost two years searching for the best reliable suppliers, the most unique designs and the highest quality fabrics.

And today we are thrilled to show our products to you- expecting parents, moms, dads and all family & friends! We couldn’t do it without the support from our local mom communities, strong and empowering women around the world and parents, just like you. We are more that kids clothing boutique . We are on a mission to build a vibrant network of families where we can talk about kids, share experiences, find advice, give support and make new friends. So please join us ad be our friend!

We truly hope you love our products and remember- we are founded by moms, not corporate guys. SO.WE CARE.

Truly yours,


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